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  Anchomanes gigantea
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.10.18 at 23:23:42(3767)
>Dear Wilbert,
Thanks for all the information on this interesting and often misinterprited
genus!! Question---is A giganteus in cultivation ANYWHERE?? There are
two species/varieties common in cultivation here, the only differences seem
to be the difference in color around the spines on the petioles/peduncles
(one has paler spots around each spine ) AND the difference in the
rhizomes, one grows horizoltally along the ground, the other almost
vertically, the spathes may be different colors, I am not sure.
Bjorn got his plants from the old collection at the Botanical Garden at
Frankfurt University. A little later on today I will forward to you a couple
of his letters with info. on his plant, it MAY be interesting or informative
to you. I have forwarded your wonderful info., and hopefully it will be
posted on Aroid-l, thanks so much again!!

From: rharias at juno.com on 1999.10.20 at 02:03:16(3773)
How does Anchomanes dalzielii Rendle differ from A. dalzielii N. E.


From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.10.20 at 21:29:26(3775)
Dear Friend,
Wilbert will probably clear this up, but my guess (GUESS, mind you!) is that
this is a typo error in some paper, and that it can be cleared up if one can
find out from the literature where/when the species was first described, the
original paper`s author will be the correct name after the species. I do
not have acess to this paper here, but perhaps Wilbert or Pete at Kew can
check and let us know.

From: "Hetterscheid, W." Hetter at Plantscope.nl> on 1999.10.20 at 21:34:28(3776)
There is no difference.. I was just stupid enough to cite the wrong author
of the species epithet. It should be A. dalzielii N.E.Brown. Sorry folks!


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