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From: Robtomjon at aol.com on 1999.10.18 at 23:31:01(3769)
I know about the beer trick, My DOGS really love that trick. There's nothing
as bad a pack of bullterriers in the morning with old beer breath staggering
around in the morning with hangovers.

From: hermine hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 1999.10.19 at 02:57:13(3772)
At 06:31 PM 10/18/99 -0500, Robtomjon@aol.com wrote:
>I know about the beer trick, My DOGS really love that trick. There's nothing
>as bad a pack of bullterriers in the morning with old beer breath staggering
>around in the morning with hangovers.

but do they eat the slugs?

mine do not have hangovers, and readily consume massive alcoholic
beverages, given the chance. margaritas being a favourite.


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