IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Chilean aroids?
From: Al Wootten awootten at NRAO.EDU> on 1999.10.20 at 21:38:02(3777)
I'll be in Santiago and San Pedro de Atacama in November. I guess these
aren't the most aroid-enriched parts of S. America (especially the latter)
but does anyone have any suggestions?

Clear skies,

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.10.21 at 03:23:30(3778)
Dear Al,
I do not believe there are ANY Aroids native to Chile!! Hop on a plane and
go over the Andes to Argentina or Brazil!! Maybe the botanical Garden (if
one exists in Chile) may have SOMETHING!!
Good luck,

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