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  new photos of interesting aroid on ID page
From: Lester Kallus lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1999.10.27 at 21:55:31(3789)
Tuan DeMoranville submitted some more photos of an interesting looking
aroid. If you get a chance, please log onto the ID site at:
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.10.28 at 02:18:08(3790)
Dear Les,
I have dropped Tuan a line, I saw these photos at the Aroid show in Miami,
and it was decided that this was a BEAUTIFUL, perhaps THE most beautiful
'sport' or cultivar of Colocasia esculenta so far discovered, said to have
been found in the Philipines, brought to Puerto Rico, and is now in
cultivation in the U.S.A. It produces stolons, not a tuber, so will spread
rapidly once out into the open.

From: Lester Kallus lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1999.10.28 at 04:09:35(3791)
Well it seems that my suspicions were right about it being a Colocasia.
It's good news that it spreads wildly but bad news for us in the north who
would hope to have it spend a winter in a paper bag. Oh well, this will
probably be one stoloniferous plant I'd be willing to give some space

So the next question is... how long before we civilians can get one?

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.10.28 at 13:51:23(3792)
Dear Les,
The guy that had the plant photos said that he wanted to hold on to the
plants and see how he could get something out of them, I wished him well,
for, like Pandora`s box, once he opens the gate, this plant will be a weed.
I understand that the USDA is in the process of or already has declared
Colocasia sps. a weed/undesirable plant, no importing, etc., both (I
suspect) as a protection for the local growers of Eddoes and Dasheen in the
South AND to try to control the spread of the stolon-types of Colocasia
rampant at least here in S. Florida as a terrible weed on lake banks, canals
and in wet fields.

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