IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  new image on ID page
From: Lester Kallus lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1999.10.30 at 07:02:19(3808)
There's a new request for an ID on the ID page. This time it's a plant that was named Xanthosoma roseum in the book caption. Please send your reponses to Jon Haven at the supplied email address.

As always, you can find the ID page at:

From: "Eduardo Goncalves" edggon at hotmail.com> on 1999.10.30 at 17:00:36(3810)
Dear Lester,

The name Xanthosoma roseum Schott exists and refers to a plant from
Central America published in 1858. However, the proper name is Xanthosoma
robustum Schott. The stated differences between X. robustum and X. roseum
are too small to be considered, so the correct name is the oldest, i.e. X.
robustum Schott (published in 1853).

I hope it helps,


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