IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  my new website
From: Pugturd at aol.com on 1999.11.11 at 16:55:23(3820)
Hello this is Brian Williams I have created a new page to trade and sell
aroids out of, my collection some are not for sell right now. I have added a
few pictures from my Florida trip and will hopefully add more soon. Thanks
for all the support with this website. http://www.angelfire.com/ky2/bwilliams/
Their should be more pictures added soon.

From: jbauer at concordnc.com on 1999.11.11 at 23:28:12(3821)
Hi Brian,
I was glad to see plants growing around the roots of the Ficus benghalensis
(Banyan tree) and the nice pathways going around the tree roots.
What does the huge arbor support?
Where is the great looking garden pool located? What variety of Yucca is in the
background? Another aroid enthusist, Carol Lim carol23@bellatlantic.net, wants
Yucca glauca. If you got this plant please let us know. Or where she can find it.
Are those palms or bambo with you and the Urospatha Grandis? Are they all hardy
where you live in Ky?
You sure are doing a terrific job with your webpage. Thanks for sharing with
From: "Plantsman" plantsman at prodigy.net> on 1999.11.12 at 14:51:18(3822)
Nice webpage Brian! Would you please do me a favor and post some pictures of
some of your collection. I have an as yet unidentified species that was said
to be a native of Vietnam (according to the Vietnamese lady that sold it to me
many years ago) and I've not been able to find out any more about it. The
leaves aren't huge or hang vertically like the common C. esculentum, but
rather are somewhat upfacing on mature leaves up to two feet long and form a
cup like shape that fills with water and tips when it rains. The color is
more of a very soft pale lime color and they have prominent leaf veins on both
the upper and undersides of the leaves. They don't have to be in a swamp to
do well even though they only form very small corms and spread by stolons.
The best part is that they are quite hardy with a mulch into Zone 6a where I
live. If you or anyone else know which one this is, I'd appreciate the

From: Pugturd at aol.com on 1999.11.12 at 14:55:37(3823)
Hello this is Brian Williams. Thanks for the complements on the website me
and my stepbrother worked on it all day. The picture of me and the urospatha
Grandis was taken at Marie Selby botanical garden. All of those plants are
very tropical. If you look on my website I have added pictures of my mother
and fathers house. This is all take in KY zone 6 but a lot of the plants are
tropical they are just easy to grow. If you look under pictures (pond in
front yard) you can see part of a yucca that we have that grows a trunk and,
with stood-20 degrees one year. We also have Yucca rostrata which is hardy
in zone 6 with good drainage. Tell her to e-mail me and I will send her my
uncles website when I can find it. THANKS

From: "Tony Pinto" tpinto at hotmail.com> on 1999.11.12 at 15:23:27(3825)
Hello Brian,
you've got a great site and hope you'll keep on adding more
pictures of your collection to it.

Thanks also for the plants you sent me - they arrived in great
condition and hopefully I'll be successful with them.

Keep up the good work,

- Tony

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.11.22 at 04:33:01(3847)
Dear David,
I`d love to se a photo of the plant or one of it`s leaves! It sounds like
an Alocasia sp. OR one of the many cultivars of Colocasia (the stolons!).
Try sending a photo to Les and he will post it on the Aroid I.D. page for
all to have 'a go' at it!!
Just this morning I was at a Viet Namese grocery near my home in W.P.B.,
Florida buying Eddoes ( Colocasia esculenta antiquorum) tubers to cook, and
they were selling the petioles (leaf blade removed) of what I believe is an
Alocasia sp., pale green, they call it Bok (or bak) ha! Exploring food
close to home!!
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