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From: Kevin & Ali tautau at earthlink.net> on 1999.11.12 at 15:34:40(3826)
Here's a new one, as far as I can tell...
I LOVE Aroids and have been growing them for quite some time.
Recently, I have discovered
that I get a severe attack of dermatitis from the sap of Philodendron
scandens. All I have to do is
touch a broken leaf or stem and I get a raised bump like a nasty
mosquito bite and it itches like
%&*^! I know, poor me. Well, here's my question...P.scandens is the ONLY
aroid, so far that
does this to me. No Dieffenbachia, no Aglaonema, no Monstera, and I can
practically eat
Epipremnum. I know this because I self-inflicted test patches across my
stomach to figure out who
the culprit was! (Why the stomach? It seemed the only place left
unscathed that was appropriate to
scratch in public!) ;)
Returning, does anyone know if P.scandens has an unusually high
oxalic acid content? Does
anyone know if P.scandens possesses any chemicals particular to its
genus/tribe/sub-this or that?
Does anyone else know that they have reactions to any specific aroids?

Thanks! Any info anyone could scratch out would be interesting.


From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 1999.11.12 at 16:28:35(3828)
In a message dated 11/12/99 9:34:42 AM Central Standard Time,
tautau@earthlink.net writes:

<< Does anyone else know that they have reactions to any specific aroids?

From: Stacy Holtzman sholtzma at sunflower.bio.indiana.edu> on 1999.11.13 at 15:59:03(3830)
Well Kevin, if nothing else comes from this self-testing it at least made
me chuckle for the day. I could just imagine you putting these substance
on your belly to check for toxicity! haha

Only an aroid fan would do something like this.

From: "Bonaventure W Magrys" magrysbo at shu.edu> on 1999.11.13 at 16:04:26(3831)
Are you sure that vine is not mislabeled? Phil. scandens? Leaves of three,
let it be....
Ha ha, just joking.

From: Aloe1023 at aol.com on 1999.11.13 at 16:09:17(3832)
Philodendrons don't bother me a bit, but Dieffenbachia sap is awful on my
to say nothing of getting it in eyes. Euphorbias are the worst to me.

From: Lucy kukui at flash.net> on 1999.11.14 at 17:08:03(3834)

It would be Kevin who would think of something like this and he is known
for a sense of humor!


From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 1999.11.14 at 17:12:56(3835)
Yes, to the Dieffenbachias and yes to the Euphorbias. Wonder how far this
will go?

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