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  Alocasia culture
From: Jean Halverson jahalve at mhtc.net> on 1999.11.20 at 16:25:48(3843)
I bought two Alocasia from a nursery center--both growing very well.
Somehow, I thought these plants liked to have their feet wet. On advice
from a nursery worker and checking the Web, I realize that they don't.
The information, though, indicates that they can overwinter as a dormant

From: RRIWAHO at aol.com on 1999.11.20 at 20:41:16(3844)
Jean;; It's hard tp tell which ones you have, some do require there feet in
water . Keep them warm not below 50 degrees, and take care of of them like
any other tropical. If thay do go dormanat set them back in a warm place and
keep moist, dont let the pots dry out completly. Good gRowing Richard

From: Aloe1023 at aol.com on 1999.11.22 at 04:29:59(3846)
Hi Jean. Some Alocasias and Colocasias do like wet feet, just depends
which ones. I find most like to be kept moist and not allowed to dry out
very much. It's a dilemma growing these very tropical, warm natured
plants in a cold winter climate like you have. Bringing them in the house
to keep them warm gets them into dry, much less humid air than they like.
I'm not sure even the most hardy would survive your winter outside in the
ground. If your plants are small I would try to keep them growing rather
than going dormant. Dropping back to a tiny tuber is a bit risky. But if
they are larger then you can expose them to some cool temps and they will
drop back to the bulb. They will want drier conditions then, too damp and
the tubers will rot. Bringing them in the house in the dry air may send
them into dormancy also, but not real sure what the effect will be. I've
heard of folks keeping small ones in terrariums under lights to keep
humidity high. Hope this helps... Questions are welcome. Russ.

From: Krzysztof Kozminski kk at netgate.net> on 1999.11.25 at 16:34:29(3861)
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Jean Halverson wrote:

> Neither had a name tag but the nursery worker said one was 'African
> Mask.'

Alocasia x. amazonica, most likely. Possibly A. "Green Velvet" (cultivar

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