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From: Pugturd at aol.com on 1999.11.26 at 16:23:44(3868)
This is Brian Williams. thought you would like to see this picture I found on
the web. HREF="http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/4705/proj98/araceae.html">Cli
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.11.26 at 19:53:26(3870)
Dear Brian,
Sorry, I could not pull up this address, and a search in Geocites did not
find it either!!
From: Aloe1023 at aol.com on 1999.11.26 at 19:56:31(3871)
Ref Cyrtosperma chamissionis....this sure doesn't fit the physical
characteristics of the other Cyrtospermas that I know. Is this a valid name
and identification??
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.11.26 at 21:42:24(3872)
Dear Russ,
Which species have you seen??? Cyrtosperma merkusii used to/does occur in
+ - 20 cultivars in the Pacific region (I have acess to two here in
Florida), some spiny, some not. Alistar Hay did a great paper on this
genus some time ago based on the knowledge he had at the time, and discussed
the spiny petioled vs. the smooth petioled forms/clones., and C.
chamissionsis, (an old Schott name as 'Arisacontis Chamissonis' ( 1897) was
placed into synonomy with it years ago.

From: Aloe1023 at aol.com on 1999.11.28 at 20:16:04(3874)
Hi. This is definitely not my area of knowledge and didn't realize this
genus was so large and varied. I was under the impression all were of the
spiney persuasion, and much smaller plants than these obviously are. I
have the common C. johnstonii and have seen a couple others in years past
that were also spiney. So....you'll have to bear with my ignorance while
I learn about this interesting genus. I'm really surprised at the
towering size of these guys. Thanks for the info Julius.


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