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  Tuber Storage
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1996.12.30 at 20:17:53(28)
I have a question on Tuber Storage... I like to store mine for the winter
where I can keep an eye on them for potential rot.. I do this by reserving
a bench and putting the tubers in a tray. This way, I can see each tuber
and monitor for fungus.. My question... Does storing tubers in this manner
- out of pot - inhibit the production of inflorescences? It does not seem
to inhibit the production of nice foliage the following year. Does anyone
have any experience in this area? Comments appreciated.

From: kk at netgate.net (Krzysztof Kozminski) on 1996.12.30 at 23:48:31(30)
>I have a question on Tuber Storage... I like to store mine for the winter
>where I can keep an eye on them for potential rot.. I do this by reserving
>a bench and putting the tubers in a tray. This way, I can see each tuber
>and monitor for fungus.. My question... Does storing tubers in this manner
>- out of pot - inhibit the production of inflorescences? It does not seem
>to inhibit the production of nice foliage the following year. Does anyone
>have any experience in this area?

Just a single experience: A.bulbifer bloomed without problems after being
stored in the same manner.


From: oneota at ames.net (MJ Hatfield) on 1997.01.02 at 21:53:14(33)
I've only really had experience with A.konjac. I've always stored mine
out of soil/pot. It's never affected any of the the inflorescences. The
only thing you have to watch is that you put the tuber in something with
sides so that when it is top heavy with flower, it doesn't fall over.
I've lost an occasional flower(s) when they fell and smashed against the
From: Roger Sieloff ISDH <sieloff at ideanet.doe.state.in.us> on 1997.01.02 at 22:02:37(35)
> I have a question on Tuber Storage... I like to store mine for the winter
> where I can keep an eye on them for potential rot.. I do this by reserving
> a bench and putting the tubers in a tray. This way, I can see each tuber
> and monitor for fungus.. My question... Does storing tubers in this manner
> - out of pot - inhibit the production of inflorescences? It does not seem
> to inhibit the production of nice foliage the following year. Does anyone
> have any experience in this area? Comments appreciated.
> Dewey

From: Rand Nicholson <writserv at nbnet.nb.ca> on 1997.09.10 at 01:16:15(1205)
Hey Aroid Guys:

It is getting close to that time up here in Canada when the Amorphophallus,
Arisaema and just bulbs, corms and tubers in general start into their
dormant cycles.

How do we feel about treating tubers, esp. Amorphophallus and Arisaema with
sulphur dust as a fungicide before storing them? What other kinds of stuff
are used?

Kind Regards,


From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at classic.msn.com> on 1997.09.10 at 16:24:02(1212)
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 1997 9:16 PM
To: ju-bo@msn.com
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.