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  Dracunculus populations in Greece
From: Marios Giannakoulias mgiannakoulias at europe.com> on 1999.12.07 at 19:23:51(3897)
I have noticed that Dracunculus populations in Greece are composed of 2 main
The one type is typical for D. vulgaris and mainly occurs in Eastern parts
of Greece(I personally have seen it in Aegean islands, Thrace and Crete).
The other type is distinguishable from the first by having a more lengthy
stem which can reach in height 1,5m and the spathe is purplish black, the
color of dark aubergines to be exact, instead of the dark red that
characterises D. vulgaris.
It has also been found in mountain Parnitha(outside Athens) and Euboia by
me, occuring mainly in relativly wet places whith some shadow(another
difference with D. vulgaris).
Although the differences do not seem so obvius if you see the plant it is
crystal clear.
If someone has ay information on the subject please send email at
The same is valid in case someone wants tubers or seeds.

Marios Giannakoulias

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.12.08 at 16:44:15(3901)
Dear Marios,
I will forward your interesting observations to Peter Boyce at Kew Gardens,
he is the expert in this Genus. It could be that two genera/species are
involved here, are the leaves of the two plants exactly the same?
Good luck,

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