IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Rare Caladium tubers.
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.12.17 at 16:13:09(3965)
To all my friends,
Thank you all for your many queries and orders for the C. picturatum tubers,
it was/is overwhelming, and I am so thankful on behalf of the student!!
The problem now is this winter cold, I am very concerned about posting
packages to the North, as several of you all pointed out. This species is
MUCH too rare and hard to come by to risk this at this time, so anyone who
has a check on the way, I will either return it right away if you let me
know, OR I will just deposit it and ship the tubers when it is determined
that it is warm enough next spring. I will however ship to people in
Florida and warm areas of the world, although I do not know how packages are
routed if I was to ship say to Indonesia. I will keep all of you kind
people informed, and you can also 'tickle' me next spring. Meanwhile I
will just store the beautiful tubers in a paper bag in a warm place, I
expect them to survive well, as I have done this with C. bicolor before.
Does anyone have a better way to overwinter tubers, as some are small, and I
fear them drying out.
Thank you all again,

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