IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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From: plantnut at macconnect.com (Dewey) on 2000.01.20 at 05:32:21(4011)
I am making a collection of comments that have been sent to me regarding
the death of Dr. Birdsey. These comments will be given to his sons on

If you would like to say something about an experience you had with him or
possibly something that you heard... I would be happy to add them to the

Thank you.

From: "Simon Mayo" s.mayo at rbgkew.org.uk> on 2000.01.20 at 15:58:45(4014)
Dear Dewey,

On Monroe Birdsey I would like to say that when I first went to
Florida in 1980 for the first Aroid Meeting organized by Betty
Waterbury, Mike Madison and Libby Besse, I had the opportunity
to visit Monroe's famous garden and he was very kind to me. He
had a great knowledge of aroids and will always be remembered for
his impact on the cultivated species and for his fine work on

Best wishes,


From: "patricia frank" tricia_frank at hotmail.com> on 2000.01.21 at 19:35:34(4016)
I've known Monroe since the beginning of the Aroid Society in 1976. We will
really miss him and the funny humor he add to all our meetings. His
generosity could not be beat, I was ask many times "DO you want it or not
speak up!". I have many memories of Monroe which I see everyday in my
garden. I only hope he knew, we did feel he was very special and appreciated
all his knowledge. Tricia

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