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  Alocasia macrorrhiza
From: "Adao Pereira" miguelporto at mail.telepac.pt> on 2000.02.17 at 15:21:21(4098)
Hello all,

Some time ago I asked here about the ID of my Alocasia, and the conclusion
was that it's likely to be A. macrorrhiza... so, are you telling me that the
plant I have is the same species as the plant pictured on page 47 of David
Attenborough's book "The Private Life of Plants"? If it is, what's the
secret of growing such huge plants?


From: "Peter Boyce" p.boyce at rbgkew.org.uk> on 2000.02.18 at 21:43:26(4107)

The plant shown in Life of Plants is Alocasia robusta.


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