IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Caladium Marcel source
From: Michael Marcotrigiano marcotrigiano at pssci.umass.edu> on 2000.03.17 at 04:02:39(4229)
I would be interested in obtaining Caladium humboltii 'Marcel'. If anyone
knows of a source could you let me know. Thanks
From: Don Burns donburns at macconnect.com> on 2000.03.18 at 01:52:07(4233)
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 19:41:14 -0600 (CST)
Reply-To: denis@skg.com
Originator: aroid-l@mobot.org
From: Don Burns donburns at macconnect.com> on 2000.03.18 at 01:59:59(4237)
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 19:41:14 -0600 (CST)
Reply-To: denis@skg.com
Originator: aroid-l@mobot.org
From: hermine hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 2000.03.18 at 15:03:40(4244)
>Concerning this Plant I will give the History as far as I know. The late Dr.
>Monroe Birdsey brought back a flask (in vitro) of this Plant from his visit
>to France to the nursery of Marcel Lecoulf

Marcel Lecoufle the Orchid Guy!
having a wee flashback

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