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  Anthurium wendlingeri
From: GeoffAroid at aol.com on 2000.04.03 at 02:00:49(4329)
Hi all, can anyone tell me if Anthurium wendlingeri sets seed regularly?
Reason I ask is I see it in collections from time to time but never in berry,
I think it is such a beautiful species and am desperate to get hold of one -
either berry or small plant. Such plants are real hard to come by here in
rainy old Britain where aroids are very thin on the ground. Cant offer much
in exchange except I get loads of berries on my A. trinerve (members may
remember I distributed this very widely a couple of years ago) and on A.
scandens (white berried form). Of course I would be happy to cover any costs
if someone has this species to offer.

Many thanks,
Geoffrey Kibby - Geoffaroid@aol.com
London, UK

From: Neil Carroll zzamia at hargray.com> on 2000.04.03 at 22:01:18(4334)
> Hi all, can anyone tell me if Anthurium wendlingeri sets seed regularly?

I have never had A. wendlingeri set seed by itself the way trinerve or
scadens would. It will set seed properly if pollinated by hand.

Please contact me privatly for information on how to obtain one of these

From: Don Burns donburns at macconnect.com> on 2000.04.03 at 22:02:28(4337)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 15:54:15 -0500 (CDT)
Reply-To: denis@skg.com
Originator: aroid-l@mobot.org
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.