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  Peru collecting
From: golfstra at cyvox.net.au on 1997.02.19 at 14:07:05(389)
Dear aroiders
I may have the opportunity to visit Peru in January 1998. My sister Jane
is a golf pro playing on the LPGA tour in the US and she is based in
Wellington FL. There is a pro-am in Lima that is organised by Alicia
Dibos, a Peruvian pro on the LPGA tour. I am thinking of accompanying my
sister to act as caddy and then wind up the trip with a few days of
Philodendron collecting- my sister is a keen orchid grower as well.

Does anyone have any direct experience in plant collecting in Peru?
Where are the best areas to collect in? Can Philo cuttings be exported
okay and do you need an export permit? Any help , ideas , experiences
would be much appreciated.
kind regards Neil

From: LKnouff425 at aol.com on 1997.02.21 at 03:39:53(405)
I'm sorry Neil, I don't have any experience collecting in Peru. I am a golf
nut, aroid lover and orchid enthusiast though. It's great to hear that
someone on tour has a passion for orchids! Jane is off to a great start this
year and I wish you both well...you on your philodendron search and Jane on
her quest for low scores.

Lisa Knouff

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