To All,
(This will not go down as one of the more spectacular questions...but hey
what the heck....)
About 3 months ago I planted two fairly large Alocasia x portora plants
(about 5 feet tall each) into the "landscaped" are of my front yard. They
are both doing very well and appear to be growing with great vigor...
The aforementioned "sychronization" statement refers to the fact that
although they are close (in proximity) they certainly get different levels
of light, different amounts of water (sprinkler heads a placed randomly)
different amounts of nutrition (depending on where I am standing when I
spray fertilizer).and yet they do everything at exactly the same time and
mimic the movement of each other...
For example,(1) every leaf of each plant faces the direction of the
corresponding leaf on the other one (and these are not necc. in the
direction of the sunlight), (2) they have exactly the same amount of
leaves, (3) when one begins to put out a new leaf the other does the same
on the same day,(4) when one puts out an inflorescence, they other does as
well on the same day,(5) the inflors. open at virtually exactly the same
time..and this behavior has been going on for 2 months.
Is this just a coincidence or has this "sychronized" behavior been seen before?
Marc Burack