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Hybrids (my last word?)
From: "Eduardo Goncalves" edggon at hotmail.com> on 2000.05.03 at 02:53:27(4526)
Hey, guys... here we go again!
Oh, my dear friend Wilbert, don't take things personally. I wasn't
commenting your very elucidative (and long) message! I cited it just to
start the talk. Understand me, we agree in almost everything! I also think
it is important to keep plants in a greenhouse and my main work in the last
five years is to look for plants in the wild (and ask you some...) and put
them in cultivation. I also know you are not against hibridisation. Just
like you, I am saying that hibridisation is not so bad like it seems. So
take it easy!
| +More |
When I said that the existence of hybridisation and other "artificial"
procedures can help in preservation, I was thinking that the appeal to
preserve something is usually in his usefulness. Humans are pragmatic
animals. Natural populations are usually full in genetic diversity, so it is
good to keep those genetic reserves. In Brazil, passion fruit (Passiflora)
are very appreciated because of its edible fruits, but we have serious
problems because most genetic diversity for breeding programs have been lost
during the deflorestation of the Atlantic Coastal Forest. We just discovered
it too late!
The only point we disagree is when you use that social darwinist to
explain why northern countries are rich and why southern countries are poor.
Corruption is common, but it is not the only thing in this story. Remember
that during almost a century after the European contact, South-American
countries were severely plundered by European pirates, maily looking for
brazil-timber and other exotic items (including many pirates from
Netherlands in Northeastern Brazil). Militar governments were sponsored by
North Americans during the 60's and 70's, during the cold war. It is hard to
find a way with such international "help"! But I am not asking for my
people. I am asking for the plants. International organizations (like Green
Peace and many others) are really doing a great job here. We just need more
of this! All we need are romantic people! (the only thing I can assure is
that those pirates weren't romantic)
(a romantic evolutionist?)
>You are such a romantic!! But I guess you're right that natural resources
>are exploited and probably mostly so by "rich countries". And what are you,
>as a person living IN an "exploited" country, going to do about it? Tell
>others to keep their hands off? That won't work. Tell your government to
>keep others out and try to establish your own useful system of exploitation
>that may also hold a preservation component (NOT shifting cultivation but
>sustainable agriculture etc.). It's your call! Rich countries cannot
>other countries if they are not "helped" from within by corrupt governments
>or corrupt civil servants etc.
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