Just a few observations from a grower of hybrids. It is my belief that
those who wish to have the production of hybrids delayed until there is an
understanding of the entire genus are in error. There have always been
Luddites protesting progress. If we were to wait until we had a full
understanding of any subject, Premetheou would have never had a chance to
pass us the flame. One of the greatest atributes of man is the curiosity
to delve into areas of uncertainty.
The production of hybrids reveals far more that it might obscure. The very
act of attempting a huybrd will result in enlightenment. A breeder will be
acutely aware of not only floral parts but also the sequence of odor
production, pollen production and stigmatic receptivity. Then he can
figure out how to store pollen. Cut open flower buds to introduce pollen to
immature stigmas. Paint stigmas with a honey solution to encourage pollen
growth. The hybridizer gets to know his plants in a most profound way. Any
hybrids produced also reveal relationships amoung the species.
Those who wish to deny mans' right to investigate are but cobwebs on the
path to tomorrow. The plants in you collections have had their essential
partners in sex, the pollinators, left thousands of miles away. If you
really have any felleing for you plants, for heavens's sake, give them the
opportunity to achieve their sole purpose in life. Let the pollinatioin
Banta the Breeder