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  coconut fiber, three pennies more, plus two centavos
From: George Yao gcyao at netasia.net> on 2000.06.03 at 14:55:41(4683)
Hi everyone,

Allow me to put in my two centavos' worth. Coir (or coconut fiber) is the
term to use for the coarse fibered product, whereas, coir dust (or coconut
peat, or cocopeat) is the term for the fine particled one.

Cocopeat is technically not a peat, but the term is used, I believe, more
as a marketing gimmick. It is a by-product in the production of coir, the
long fibers which is used for making insulation, carpet backing, floor
mats, brushes, and, of course, horticultural liner mats. Cocopeat is
actually a mixture of short fibers and particles of spongy pith that binds
the fibers in the husk. It comes in various grades depending on how much
and how long the fibers are. And some are composted also. Often, it is
compressed into bricks for convenience and economy in transport.

As we don't have peat here in the Philippines, we use cocopeat as a
substitute. I agree with the findings of Dennis that cocopeat alone is no
good and that it is okay as a component of a potting mix. For most
application, I found cocopeat and sand to be good enough.

George Yao

From: "Peter Wunderlin" pmdes at iafrica.com> on 2000.06.04 at 13:54:39(4686)
Hi everybody,
To put my 2 cents into this as well. I use use the compressed version of
cocopeat as they call it mainly for germination of seeds.
I make a mix of about 50-50 with cocopeat in brickform and perlite. I have
had pretty good results with palm, cycad and anthurium seeds. I want to
point out that I dont use this medium for planting out plants as it has not
much nutritional properties and once seeds are germinated they obviously
need something that does not decompose otherwise we look for trouble with
root rot etc etc.
One advantage of cocopeat supplied in brickform that it is free of insects
and fungi. I have been told that the material has to be gamma radiated
otherwise they wont let it into the country. How true that is is another
story of course.
Best Regards
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