Nephthytis poissonii
Arum maculatum
Zantedeschia albomaculata
Arisaema Kaichen A26 ('98)...possibly A.serratum ?
cheers from cold and wet Melbourne (thankfully NOT the Olympic City !)
Rob McClure
Department of Biological Sciences
Monash University (Clayton Campus)
Victoria Australia 3800>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Rob (and fellow Aroiders and AEGers):
I don't have much in the way of seeds, but here is how I'm doing now and
what I may have to offer:
Arisaema triphyllum and Arum italicum pictum - I have lots of seed of this
but more even better - mentioned later. Arisaema flavum - lots of 1 year
old bulblets and offshoots. The AEG seedex was very generous to me this
year and I got nearly 100% germination with this species. My own seed of
flavum did not fare as well, but the parents produced offsets. AEG seedex's
Arisaema amurense and consanguineum did well also and kiushianum produced
some 5 leafleters! I can have a few of those to spare when they go dormant.
Serratum from the seedex unfortunately produced only 1 of what looks like a
dormant tuberlet (came out of the seed, never saw a leaf) and 2 yamatense
were always weak and I can't find any sign of them now. All were
growing/are growing in identical conditions.
The A-28 for me was a wonderful serratum. It seems to have selfed (there
were a few stamens at the top of the pistils in the spadix) but then the
seed stalk collapsed before maturity. How can I post a picture?
OK now, my attempts at hybrid seed this year did not go as well as planned.
Many stalks collapsed (incompatability? naysayers may say so). Arisama
candidissimum in bloom mid-June 2000, pollinated by consanguineum DJHC 009,
is still holding fruit. An albescent triphyllum crossed with candidissimum
has just been harvested, and I've gotten a few germinations from triphyllum
by taiwanense. I think I'll hold on to these for a while.
I do have some triphyllum tubers that grew from December to March and
should be ready to come out of the refridgerator now. They will pop right
up in bloom within 2 weeks when removed. Most I plan for our autumn season
here in the garden but they could be available to you for your springtime.
I've also dug up some dormant Arum italicum pictum tubers, they'll come up
in October. There is one especially beautifully marked leaf form from Ellen
Hornig of Seneca Hill Perennials. They've all multiplied well. Then of
course there is Sauromatum venosum - the voodoo lily. Bring a bushel basket
to my yard and harvest your own! Take my voodoo lily, please!
Bonaventure Magrys
Dept. of Grad. Med. Ed./Neuroscience
Seton Hall University
South Orange, NJ 07079