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  A. warocqueanum
From: "David G. Bauman" <DBAUMAN at mail.indyzoo.com> on 1997.02.28 at 20:05:39(446)
Can anyone supply me with some information about Anthurium
warocqueanum? I need to know where it is from (including something
of its habitat; simply South America or even Brazil does not tell me
much whereas lowlands/uplands, forest openings, etc. is more
helpful). I am also wondering about its availability. I am told it
can be difficult to find it listed (if anyone has some to sell or
trade they are welcome to e-mail me personally rather than clutter
the list). Is it difficult to grow or does it require anything
different from the "average" anthurium? About the only reference I
can find for it is Exotica which is a little less than detailed. Any
help would be appreciated. Thanks.

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.03.03 at 05:31:26(449)
> Can anyone supply me with some information about Anthurium
> warocqueanum? I need to know where it is from (including something
> of its habitat; simply South America or even Brazil does not tell me
> much whereas lowlands/uplands, forest openings, etc. is more
> helpful). I am also wondering about its availability. I am told it
> can be difficult to find it listed (if anyone has some to sell or
> trade they are welcome to e-mail me personally rather than clutter
> the list). Is it difficult to grow or does it require anything
> different from the "average" anthurium? About the only reference I
> can find for it is Exotica which is a little less than detailed. Any
> help would be appreciated. Thanks.
From: DJLEEDY at aol.com on 1997.03.05 at 05:25:24(455)

I have successfully crossed to excellent clones of A. warocqueanum. The
first is the most common and is the wider leaf form with yellow/white veins.
The second is a more narrow leaf, much darker green, and very white veins.
I had well over 700 seedlings going at one time from my cross. In 1995, I
donated all of my remaining aroids to the Huntington Botanical Gardens in San
Marino, California (Jim Folsom is the Director of the Gardens), including a
number (maybe 50 - 100 of the seedlings). You might try this source.

David Leedy

From: LKnouff425 at aol.com on 1997.03.06 at 00:53:22(460)
Anthurium warocqueanum is available at the Glasshouse Works and is currently
listed @ $ 65.00. The number used to place orders is (800)-837-2142. Their
URL is and < http://www.rareplants.com>. You
may also Fax orders to (614) 662-2120.
Good luck!
Lisa Knouff

From: FAMFORFUN at aol.com on 1997.03.07 at 04:08:20(470)
If my memory serves me correctly it was originally collected in Columbia. I
have collected a few specimens through the years. Two of my plants are in
flower as we speak. This is the first time I have had any in flower. Im
hoping to get seed. If Iget lucky l I'll be more then happy to share. I
have had excellent luck by taking 3 foot high totems, covering them with
spagnum, and placing the bottom in a small bucket of water .I keep the
buckets full at all times. This helps satisfy there high humidity
requirements. They also love to climb. Be aware that the humidity in my
greenhouse is above 90%. The good news is if you contact me I will give you
the name of another person who may be willing to give you seed. I do know
that his plants are always in seed in July . If you give me your phone or
fax, I will contact you. Also be careful of what you order from glasshouse
works. I made the mistake of ordering Warocqueanum. I was told the plants
had no less then twelve inch leaf . I ordered two plants, paid $65.00 each
and recieved seedlings which where no more then two to three inches tall. I
was very unhappy to say the least. When I called I was told if you don't
like them send them back. If I ever order from them again I'd ask for
pictures first . Just be careful. I hope I've been some help.

Good Luck
David Levitt

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