>Subject: RE: Recomendations???
>Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 21:12:54 -0500 (CDT)
>I tried to go to your pages listed below... The Photos would not download.
>Is it me or is something else wrong? The page came up.... and the
>text.... but no pictures...
this is because of the illegal spaces in the URIs (Uniform Resource
Identifiers) specifying the names of the picture files. To see the photos,
do the following:
1) Press the appropriate button on the image to show up a pop-up
menu (the button depends on the software & hardware). This menu
should have a command that says something like "View image".
2) You are going to get a complaint about the image not found on
the server. Examine the URL displayed by the browser, replace any
spaces you see with the three-character string %20 and hit Enter.
3) Enjoy the photo.
Here are the correct links to the photos on the two pages referenced in
the Masaki's message:
your page http://www.mahoroba.ne.jp/~yamagata/AROID.htm has other links
that suffer from the same problem. Note that the space character is
illegal in the URI (see http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2396.html, section
should be:

to make sure that everybody can see the photo. Perhaps IBM HomePage
Builder that you're using to create your pages can be configured to
produce correct URLs in accordance with the HTML standards? There may be
some option there that says 'always encode unsafe characters' or something
> >Dear friends,
> >
> >Please someone teach me these Anthurium name.
> >http://www.mahoroba.ne.jp/~yamagata/photaroid/AN.sp.1.htm
> > Anthurium comptonii ?
> >http://www.mahoroba.ne.jp/~yamagata/photaroid/AN.sp.2.htm
> > I got it in South East Brazil.
> >
> >
> >mailto:yamagata@mahoroba.ne.jp
> >website http://www.mahoroba.ne.jp/~yamagata
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