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Alocasia cucullata flower
From: "newton" newton at coiinc.com> on 2000.09.04 at 03:13:27(5335)
Can anyone point me to a photo of the bloom/inflorescence for Alocasia
I have looked throughout the IAS site and related links but have not found
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any information on the flowering details of Alocasia. I suspect it is not
very impressive, but I am not sure why I have not found any references.
In the pot with my plant is a small, prehistoric-looking shoot (1-1/2") with
a very geometric-looking, nodding head on it (3/8" dia.) in dark brown to
black. At first I thought it to be some type of fungus bloom. It is very
sturdy and is sprouting right up alongside the Alocasia stem. I have not dug
down to find its source as of yet.
Does this sound familiar? How will this progress and is there anything I can
do to make sure it develops to its fullest?
Help? This is fascinating.
From: "newton" newton at coiinc.com> on 2000.09.10 at 20:41:07(5405)
A week back I asked for info on . . ."
Can anyone point me to a photo of the bloom/inflorescence for Alocasia
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In the pot with my plant is a small, prehistoric-looking shoot (1-1/2") with
a very geometric-looking, nodding head on it (3/8" dia.) in dark brown to
black. At first I thought it to be some type of fungus bloom. It is very
sturdy and is sprouting right up alongside the Alocasia stem. I have not dug
down to find its source as of yet."
I received no replies from anyone. The little guy is still getting bigger,
but no sign of opening as of yet.
Any ideas?
From: plantnut at macconnect.com (plantnut) on 2000.09.11 at 14:46:38(5406)
Can you provide a photo. I can tell you this much... It is not an
inflorescence. An inflorescence will come out of the apical meristem of
the plant... within the sheath of the leaf.
Did you use potting media that had hosted another plant?
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>A week back I asked for info on . . ."
>Can anyone point me to a photo of the bloom/inflorescence for Alocasia
>In the pot with my plant is a small, prehistoric-looking shoot (1-1/2") with
>a very geometric-looking, nodding head on it (3/8" dia.) in dark brown to
>black. At first I thought it to be some type of fungus bloom. It is very
>sturdy and is sprouting right up alongside the Alocasia stem. I have not dug
>down to find its source as of yet."
>I received no replies from anyone. The little guy is still getting bigger,
>but no sign of opening as of yet.
>Any ideas?
Your source for Tropical Araceae.
You are invited to visit:
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2000.09.11 at 14:48:27(5409)
Dear Tim,
My best advice is to wait and see, and let us know what it turns out to be!
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>A week back I asked for info on . . ."
Can anyone point me to a photo of the bloom/inflorescence for Alocasia
In the pot with my plant is a small, prehistoric-looking shoot (1-1/2") with
a very geometric-looking, nodding head on it (3/8" dia.) in dark brown to
black. At first I thought it to be some type of fungus bloom. It is very
sturdy and is sprouting right up alongside the Alocasia stem. I have not dug
down to find its source as of yet."
I received no replies from anyone. The little guy is still getting bigger,
but no sign of opening as of yet.
Any ideas?
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.