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  madan tamang catalog
From: Jean Halverson <jahalve at mhtc.net> on 1997.03.04 at 21:22:15(452)
I received a copy of this catalog. He lists 4 species of
Zantedeschia and 20 species of Arisaema (my interest) along with many
other plants and seeds. The Arisaema prices range from 1-5 dollars for
a packet of 12 seeds and the tubers (flowering size) he says are each
about $1 extra. Of course, a permit is needed for tubers. No
descriptions of anything, but that has never stopped me.
No mention of shipping and handling charges, the catalog is free
and, although my letter got to him, he suggests that due to a somewhat
unreliable mail system, he be contacted by fax 0354-54330 / 52698 in
From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.03.05 at 03:46:21(454)
Jean, Here's the augmented posting on Madan Tamag.
Arisaema Source:

From: ggusman at ulb.ac.be (guy gusman) on 1997.03.06 at 15:07:32(467)
Just a precision: I have been satisfied with the corms and seed I got las
autumn. But, up to now, I have not been able to identify them as they are
still dormant. I use their FAX and paid by means of International Post
Money Order.
G. Gusman

From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.03.07 at 04:03:54(469)

The correction is in the paragraph about Guy Gusman.

>Although I have no personal experience with this supplier, Arisaema
>expert Guy Gusman finds both their seed and corms to be of excellent

From: canbya <canbya at snet.net> on 1997.03.10 at 17:15:56(479)
Thanks for the correction. If you would send me your snail mail address,
I will send you a copy when the Newsletter comes out.

From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.03.10 at 23:43:51(482)


G. R. Stilwell, Jr.

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