Alvim Seidel in Brazil have agreed to sell us seed in smaller quantities
(approx 100 seeds) at 30% of the 1000 seed price. We have a total of 14
people thus far put their names down. If all 14 want seed of a given
species it would mean only around 7 seeds per person if we order 100
seeds/species. Given the average cost for 1000 seeds is in the range of
$30 - $35 this would be a cost per person of around $2 - $2.50 per
species. How do people feel about this? More seeds per person or fewer
seeds of more varieties? Please let Todd know your thoughts on this as we
need to figure out the best way to make the order.
I have sent Todd a list of all names and e-addresses of those that
registered with me.
Unfortunately Alvim Seidel did not send me their latest list of species
and prices so all I can do is post the one they sent me in 1991, bearing
in mind prices will have changed and species may have too. I recall
seeing a recent posting from someone regarding a recent ad from Alvim
Seidel in some journal. A request for whoever that was - could you please
post their latest Philodendron seed list with prices for us?
Below is their old list to give people an idea of species and costs:
adamantinum 15
"Angra dos Rios" 16
barryi 25
bipinattifidum 8
colombianum 18
cordatum(oxycardium) 15
crassihyrzum 20
crassinervium 18
eichleri 50
erubescens 15
evansii 25
eximium 40
cymbispathum 20
giganteum 40
grandifolium 40
hastatum 15
imbe 8
lundii 12
mello- barretoanum 35
myrmecophyllum 35
ornatum 20
pittieri 30
pseudoradiatum 30
rubrinervum 15
sagittatum 30
saxicolum 30
selloum 9
selloum var. Sao Paulo 12
selloum var. Uruguay 12
sellowianum 30
speciosum 40
subhastatum 25
tuxla 20
undulatum 35
wendlandii 35
Please note that the price includes forwarding by registered airmail.
Participants should give some preliminary consideration to the species
they would like and hopefully once we get an updated list posted then
send your selections to Todd. We will then need to work out shipping and
handling costs from Todd to the participants.
Best of luck!
Neil Crafter
Adelaide Australia