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Alocasias, Colocasias and Frost?
From: Paul Tyerman tyerman at dynamite.com.au> on 2001.04.23 at 15:36:40(6244)
Howdy All,
I've been away at the coast this last weekend and succumbed to a couple of
frost tender (as far as I know) aroids.
I purchased Alocasia 'Amazon Queen' and Colocasia 'Black Magic'. Now I get
frost fairly heavily here in Canberra (down to -6 to -8'C in winter) so I
figure these are not going to be happy outside here.
When I bought them I was told that they could be dried indoors during
winter, or put in a very sheltered place where there leaves were not hit by
frost. I thought that someone out there would know for sure what they
require during winter.
Could someone please tell me whether they will survive frost? If not, do I
dry the pot and put it in my garage for winter? Do I knock the tubers out
of the pot and dry them for winter? Do I keep the pot inside but keep it
in water? Do I just tell myself I was an idiot and that they're going to
die now?
Any information would be appreciated.
BTW.... if any aussies are interested, I have a number of offsets of the
Amazon Queen that are available if wanted. They have spread healthily out
of the pot and depending what the suggestions are I'll probably be potting
them up.
Thank in anticipation.
Paul Tyerman
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Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8
Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Lilium, Aroids, plus
just about anything else that doesn't move!!!!!
From: "van den Bergh" bergh at tpg.com.au> on 2001.04.24 at 14:16:16(6253)
Hi Paul,
Here's one Aussie that wants to enquire after A. Amazon Queen do you know if
it is different from A. amazonica IF so can I put my hands up for an offset.
I have C. Black Magic and could have sent you an offset, never mind if you
lose it I always have it.
You may want to try a couple of other Alocasias and Colocasias when the
weather warms up so I can send some later if you are interested and don't
have any.
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I have had a brief look at your list and am desperately anxious to obtain a
small tuber of Amorphophallus abyssinicus if you ever have a spare. Also any
arisaema tubers at all as I only have seeds and am not sure how succesful
they are proving to be with survival after germination, a tuber may stand a
better chance. Also I would like to try arums of any kind. I did notice some
other bits and pieces of non aroid things, but I first want to interest you
in some things you might want to trade and try down there, before I get
carried away!!!
So far I have offered the A. bulbifer tubers and the typhonium would you be
interested in branching out into a few of the more hardy gingers or other
stuff, like a native tacca that goes dormant for the winter.
I reckon you had better keep your alocasia inside the house dryish in a pot
if it dies down. The colocasia might not mind being kept dryish in the
garage in a pot. Obviously I don't know much about frost so someone else may
give you a better answer.
From: Bob Burns bobburns61 at yahoo.com> on 2001.04.25 at 02:26:32(6261)
About the frost hardiness...
I've grown both colocasia and alocasia, though of
undetermined species, in our US Zone 8 climate (with
winter minimum down to at least -10C for short
Ideally the plants would be of mature size before
expecting them to survive well, and not too soggy as
cold comes on. Frequently a large Alocasia will not
recover its main growing point after a hard winter but
will send up small shoots from the sides, forming a
clump of smaller plants that might take a few years to
reach blooming size. I have only had an Alocasia
bloom once or twice in this climate in ten years.
If you decide to pot them, remember not to keep
them really wet if they must endure coolness. Some
kinds have a rhizome but others, the Colocasias I'm
thinking of, sometimes don't, or at least not till
they are quite big.
Bob Burns
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Macon, Georgia, USA
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