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Amorphophallus lewallei seeds offered FOR FREE!!!
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2001.05.14 at 20:06:36(6442)
We have grown us two huge fruiting peduncles of Amorphophallus lewallei.
Send your request to me, DO NOT use the reply key to this message or you'll
be expelled from Aroid-l (hey, moderators, don't you need a third one. I am
| +More |
Those of you who asked for lewallei the last distribution and didn't get
them, please notify me in your request of this. You may end up getting a
Wilbert, Lord P.
From: "Ron Iles" roniles at eircom.net> on 2001.05.14 at 23:58:26(6451)
Lord P, Sir!
Please don't be a moderator of Aroid L. With the three of Lord P I'd never
be able to write again there! Your honour will be relieved to know that
neither publically nor privately will I be requesting seeds of
amorphophaalus to grow plants which might be Spathiphyllicidal. However,
kind Master, Nederlands has secret Spath cultivars I don't have. Where in
your glasshouse covered flatlands do I find them. Frank van Mil said on the
phone today that my TEN European forms were probably all that were grown in
Holland of of the NINETY known so far, mainly from enlightened America.
My respects, Sir!
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 9:07 PM
Subject: Amorphophallus lewallei seeds offered FOR FREE!!!
| Peoples,
| We have grown us two huge fruiting peduncles of Amorphophallus lewallei.
| Send your request to me, DO NOT use the reply key to this message or
| be expelled from Aroid-l (hey, moderators, don't you need a third one. I
| free.........).
| Those of you who asked for lewallei the last distribution and didn't get
| them, please notify me in your request of this. You may end up getting a
| VIP-treatment.
| Wilbert, Lord P.
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.