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  Arum italicum in N. Cal.
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 1997.03.26 at 01:43:32(538)
Hello All !!-- A question- does anyone know if Arum italicum is
naturalised in N. california? I received photos from a friend that match the
illus. in Peter Boyce's WONDERFUL work,"The Genus Arum"[isbn# 0 11 250085
From: karenp at sybase.com (Karen Paulsell) on 1997.03.26 at 03:38:52(539)
It seems to be 'naturalized' around my N. Oakland neighborhood, that's
for sure! I have clumps of it here and there in my garden beds, as do
various neighbors. There seems to be a bit of variability in coloring,
with some having very little white in the leaves, and others having
quite attractive veining. Right now, mine have big splendid leaves,
no signs of spathes.

It shows up more in places that get moderate watering. I haven't really
noticed its spontaneous appearance in the more xeri-scaped spots,
unwatered yards, etc. I guess my vague impression is that the big
orange berries take too long to ripen and thereby spread quickly
without supplemental water during the long dry season. Could happen,
perhaps, in wetter places, but they drained and filled most of those in
the East Bay a century ago!

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 1997.03.26 at 15:07:20(541)
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 1997 10:38 PM
To: Julius Boos
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 1997.04.10 at 00:35:03(595)
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 1997 7:14 PM
To: Julius Boos
From: hallsa at sirius.com (Steve Hall) on 1997.04.10 at 19:50:34(601)
Julius, Sean and Fellow Aroiders,

Having read the posts inquiring about Arum italicum naturalising in N.
California I recently went on a field trip to Golden Gate Park to see if I
could find any. Much to my surprise I found Arum italicum naturalising in
several places in the Rhododendrom Dell, and within the Arboretum. I found
both varigated and non-varigated species. In some places there were patches
that were several feet in diameter. Last week I happened to be back in the
park and I went to the Rhododendrom Dell to check on the A. italicum. They
were in various stages of blooming and some even had very well developed
heads of bright green fruit. This may be ho-hum news to some of you, but I
consider myself an aroid neophyte so being able to spot one in the wild,
besides the ubiquitous cala lily, was exciting to me.

Steve Hall

From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.04.11 at 13:48:10(604)
Isn't it exciteing? I know exactly what you mean! Other than callas
and anthuriums ( which I had no idea were something called Aroids) I had
never seen one before and wouldn't have recognized one if I had, but after
sightings on the Aroid pages, I spotted a bloom in an unexpected place, (in
a yard, in the grass, at the edge of the pavement, in my very neighborhood!)
and immediately recognized it as an Aroid, and with Julius' help, I found
that Arum italicum was my first discovery off the net. Fortunately for me,
the people were glad to have some removed, which I obliged, and in spite of
the shock, they appear to be developing seed, even though after transplanting
them the spathes have shriveled up around the spadixs (unless this is
normal), and most of the leaves are still lying on the ground! This Aroid
REALLY wants to survive. These are the non-variegated variety. I haven't
had the opportunity to see a variegated one yet.
May your next exciteing discovery be Deni Bown's book on Aroids! ( If you
haven't discovered it yet).
Sue Zunino

From: hallsa at sirius.com (Steve Hall) on 1997.04.11 at 15:27:32(605)

Regarding finding arum italicum in the wild you wrote:

> Isn't it exciteing?....

From: Nick Turland <N.Turland at nhm.ac.uk> on 1997.04.11 at 18:55:02(606)
Dear Aroiders,

I'd just like to say thanks for your news on the white Dracunculus and Arum
seed collections from Crete. It's good to hear that they are doing well!


From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.04.12 at 19:48:40(607)

Arisaema should thrive as long as you have a cold period of a month or
so. The temperate species seem to need this to do well.


From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 1997.04.12 at 20:01:58(608)
Sent: Friday, April 11, 1997 9:48 AM
To: Julius Boos
From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.04.13 at 05:41:23(610)
In a message dated 97-04-12 16:37:16 EDT, you write:

Dear Sue,
I had a moment, so here goes--- I believe that the A.

From: hallsa at sirius.com (Steve Hall) on 1997.04.14 at 18:30:35(614)
>Arisaema should thrive as long as you have a cold period of a month or
>so. The temperate species seem to need this to do well.

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