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IAS Aroid Quasi Forum
About Aroid-L
This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
THE IAS POST? (Originally "The Newsletter")
From: "Ron Iles" roniles at eircom.net> on 2001.05.18 at 14:41:41(6516)
Hi, Friends!
With a little help from my friends in West Cork Ireland, I'll complete
Neil's last Newletter for you hopefully within a week or post explanation on
roid L why not. Then it will be emailed to Tricia and Friends at the
Pittsburgh Press in the lil' old U.S. of A! The unavoidable hiccups are
hopefully over.
| +More |
Thanks for all your public and private emails, up to 30 or more per day! I
got very frustrated by lack of understanding in the brief turn around and
this came out in Aroid L rants and undulating. (If my over-ripe vocabulary
is incongruous to non-British, sorry). However, all advice and comments,
positive and negative have been helpful in finding the best ways. It has
been wondering, imagining, learning and evolving by the hour. As a result,
suggestions for changes which will allow the Post to serve all the hopes and
needs WITHIN IAS MEMBERSHIP most frequently are now being processed by the
unpaid Slave Team - fast. Now things WILL surely happen! So even
undecided Non-Members in Aroid-L will have more good reasons to join us.
So - Neil's News imminent, other necessaries in Aroid L later.
Thank you for your patience and kindnesses.
Sunny Smiles!
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.