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EMAZING Web Site of the Day - Mr. Stinky
From: Susan Cooper coops at execpc.com> on 2001.06.13 at 14:59:42(6694)
I didn't know Mr. Stinky was so famous!
>EMAZING - http://www.emazing.com/
>Proudly Presents
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>Web Site of the Day - (TEXT)
>Tuesday May 15, 2001
>Mr. Stinky
>Mr. Stinky is a plant. A giant, stinky plant. And he's due
>to bloom any day now. Check out the odoriferous bloom (a
>Titan Arum) in all its 7-foot tall glory at its home Web
>site, Fairchild Tropical Garden. And while Mr. Stinky is
>garnering much attention these days, the Fairchild Tropical
>Garden site does offer horticultural information and
>resources for the interested enthusiast. Check it out.
>Click here to visit the site.
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