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  Amorphophallus kiusianus seed
From: alan at unity.ncsu.edu on 1997.04.01 at 16:12:22(554)
Back in July '95, I received some A. kiusianus seed from one of Wilbert's
seed distributions. At long last they have begun to germinate! After such
a long period of time I would have expected the germination to be sporadic,
but strangely all of the seed are germinating at the same time.

I don't know if this is typical of the species or if some other factor may
have caused such a long delay in the germination. Upon receiving the seed
I treated them the same as all other Amorphophallus seed that I have planted.

Any other Aroiders have any experience with A. kiusianus seed.


From: "NAME \"Wilbert Hetterscheid\"" <W.HETTER at pbga.agro.nl> on 1997.04.01 at 21:49:08(555)
Dear Alan,

I have the same experience in germinating kiusianus. Same for the
close relative of it, Am. henryi. For now I cannot explain why
these two behave so different where most other species germinate in
a period of 2 - 8 weeks after sowing. Maybe it is something in their

From: "Eric Walton" <ewalton at hort.cri.nz> on 1997.04.01 at 23:18:51(558)
Dear All

I did not get any A. kiusianus seed from Wilbert Hetterschied, but
did get A. henryi. Wilbert suggested I reported my observations on
A. henryi germmination to Aroid-L. I planted the seed and a few
germinated in a relatively short time (Sorry extact dates are at
home). I have a few warm (subtropical?) Indian Arisaema species (A.
caudatum, A. neglectum, A. sahyadricum and a couple of others) and
these seem to come into growth following a temperature drop. (If
people are interested I can explain further.) I tried this
temperature drop approach with A. henryi seeds and doubled the
germination. This may relate to other 'recalcitrant' Araceae and is
pehaps worth a punt?

Eric Walton

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