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Alocasia 'Sinuata'
From: Eric_L_._Schmidt/LEU/CYS/Orlando at priv.ci.orlando.fl.us on 2001.06.27 at 15:41:57(6895)
Anyone know about Alocasia 'Sinuata'? Is this a hybrid or is it a species?
Eric Schmidt
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Botanic Records
Harry P. Leu Gardens
Orlando, FL. zone 9B
ph. # (407)-246-3749
fax # (407)-246-2849
From: "brian williams" pugturd50 at hotmail.com> on 2001.06.28 at 15:55:21(6906)
Well, Alocasia sinuata is a species yet I have a trouble telling it apart
from portora when small. That brings me to question is thier a difference in
portora and portodora? Are they both hybrids of portei and odora? I have
seen this spelled a few ways.
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From: "Peter Boyce" boyce at pothos.demon.co.uk> on 2001.06.28 at 23:32:18(6911)
A. sinuata has MUCH stiffer leaves with a distinctly blistered surface.
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From: "Dany Hervelle" bs246466 at skynet.be> on 2001.06.28 at 23:34:21(6913)
Hello Brian and list
Your remark about the juvenile form of what is know in the name of alocasia
sinuata in horticulture and the hybrid between alocasia portei and odora
reply me a remark from my friend David from the Nancy botanical garden.It
seem that there is a confusion
about the specie alocasia sinuata(Dr Boyce have writing something in aroid L
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days agoo about this species)
Alocasia sinuata is apparently NOT the species that is fig 44,p103 of
aroideana 'cultived alocasia'!Alocasia sinuata is the specie know in
horticulture as the name of alocasia 'quited dream','bullatus','hawaii' and
probably some others.It is illustrate in the same edition of aroideana from
D.Burnett ,fig 33,p96.
I don't know which species is the plant know in this name in
horticulture,but it
is totally different(maybe hybrid origin?).But in all the way,this plant is
for me an easy growing plant and no matter what it is,i love it,like all my
others alocasia!
But for those of us who grow the real alocasia sinuata(the australian
cultivar),it is
for me one of the most beautifull little alocasia.More beautifull than the
tc. version that is
ofen avalable!
Good growin' to all
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