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Xanthosoma in Indonesia
From: "Michael Pascall" mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2001.06.27 at 15:44:02(6897)
A few years ago on a trip around Sulawesi , I saw many well tended patches
of X .sagittifolia .
They were usually in the front yard of the bamboo houses in many of the
small villages I passed through
and they were often over my 2m head !
I have grown this plant as a food crop also in subtropical Qld.But it did
not grow more than 1.5 m .
The yeild from 1 plant was amazing !
I filled a 20lt bucket with the small tubers , and had many small plants
also .
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From: "Cooper, Susan L." SLCooper at scj.com> on 2001.06.28 at 03:20:51(6903)
I always thought M had a big head....
and they were often over my 2m head !
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From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2001.06.28 at 15:58:38(6909)
There were 2m`s, NOT M by him/herself, Susan! :--)
>>I always thought M had a big head....<<
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and they were often over my 2m head !
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