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  Anthurium in St Vincent, Caribbean?
From: GeoffAroid at aol.com on 2001.07.09 at 14:26:41(6991)
Hi All,
Can someone tell me if there are any species of Anthurium commonly found in
the Caribbean, in particular St Vincent? I recently was given seed of a plant
labelled simply Anthurium "St Vincent", referring I assume to the collection
locality. The plant had large leaves the size and shape of A. andreanum but
the spathe was small and shrivelled while the spadix was about 8-10ins long
with hundreds of small red berries. Not much of a description I know and I
will try to get a photograph soon. The plant may of course have been
introduced there in cultivation but if there are any naturally occuring
species there I would be grateful if anyone (Tom?) could give me some

From: "Eduardo Goncalves" edggon at hotmail.com> on 2001.07.10 at 00:04:05(6998)
Dear Geoffrey,

Check Anthurium cordatum. I have a plant from Virgin Islands, and it is
really close to Anthurium andreanum when sterile.

Very best wishes,


From: dscherberich at free.fr on 2001.07.10 at 00:04:18(6999)
Hi Geoffrey,

with such a long spadix + cordate leaves, your plant is probably Anthurium

From: "Ron Iles" roniles at eircom.net> on 2001.07.10 at 00:04:43(7001)

I am not surprised that the Spathe was shrivelled. After all that Amorpho
stuff I'm surprised that you have much of a spadix at all. You aren't going
to sow the devil berries are you? Perhaps someone who knows will tell
Geoffrey what Vincent was canonised for....? I would be a bit more careful
wot you keep in your apartment (flat to British) especially with your
earlier mite omens. Bless You!

Brother Ron

From: Tom Croat Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2001.07.11 at 18:58:40(7019)
Title: RE: Anthurium in St Vincent, Caribbean?

Dear Geoffrey:

I am sure that I can give you a name on that St. Vincent collection with a photograph. The West Indies does not have so many species and most are quite well known.


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