IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Dracunculus from seeds
From: Nick Turland <N.Turland at nhm.ac.uk> on 1997.04.03 at 22:39:45(567)
This is a response to Ellen's query, and for everyone else who still has the
Cretan Dracunculus...

I collected some seeds of the 'normal' purple-spathed Dracunculus vulgaris

From: Fausto Ceni <cendot at spidernet.it> on 1997.04.04 at 21:33:35(577)
Nick Turland wrote:
> Has anyone flowered the Arum purpureospathum or A. idaeum yet?
> .....

Dear Nick,
My plants of A. purpureospathum and A. ideum, collected in Crete, are
blooming and I hope to have many seeds.
Do you need some?

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