IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

About Aroid-L
 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  Wishes part 2
From: steve <steve at horrida.demon.co.uk> on 1997.04.08 at 01:00:12(582)
In message ,
IMSOROPE@aol.com writes
>Hello all,
>I discovered a nice book at my school (Cal Poly) library today - Aroids, by
>Deni Brown. In it I discovered two more plants that I must get my hand on -
>Amorphophallus cirrifer and Amorphophallus paeoniifolius. Does anyone grow
>these, or know someone who grows these? Thanks, feel free to e-mail me at
>Neal Grant

Yes these are two Amorphs I have been after for eons aswell. Wilbert
(well I`m sure it was he...tis a while back now ),was kind enough to
send me a A. Paeoniifolius some time ago. However, it remained dormant
for over a year, then this spring, the tuber succumbed to some form of
rot or similar (despite being kept totally dry and cool..ahh well ). So
it never got going. If yu`re reading Wilbert.........
Steve aka Agrippa

From: DIANA PEDERSON <DLPEDER at SPRYNET.COM> on 1997.04.08 at 02:01:06(586)

I've been browsing this list for several weeks. I'd really appreciate
it if someone would briefly outline what plants belong in this family.
For instance, do philodendrons belong here? I am trying to find out if
I even grow this type of plant. I really appreciate your help.

Also, if anyone is interested in geraniums/pelargoniums, I am
establishing a new e-mail list for this family. Please send your email
message to pelargoniums@hotmail.com with the subject line of geranium,
pelargonium, (or their plural form) and the request to subscribe in the
body of the letter. This is not being done with a listserver so please
be patient if a few bugs occur in the technology of adding your address
to my list "geraniums" and forwarding messages to everyone. I am still

From: "NAME \"Wilbert Hetterscheid\"" <W.HETTER at pbga.agro.nl> on 1997.04.08 at 14:44:17(588)

Wow, sorry to hear about your demised paeoniifolius! That doesn't happen all
to often with that species. Look for the "sales" this year and I shall do my
best to renew it. Just let me know at the time that you lost yours, so I
can put you on high priority! I have already answered Neals request directly to him.

Cheers, Wilbert

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.04.08 at 14:47:59(589)
>I've been browsing this list for several weeks. I'd really appreciate
>it if someone would briefly outline what plants belong in this family.
>For instance, do philodendrons belong here? I am trying to find out if
>I even grow this type of plant. I really appreciate your help.

The determining factor that a plant is/is not an aroid is the presence of a
spathe and a spadix in the inflorescence. Some of the most common genera
of Araceae are Anthurium, Philodendron, Aglaonema, Spathiphyllum and
'Pothos' or Epipremnum. This can be explored further by going to the IAS
Web Site at . Follow the links from "Araceae"
and click on the 'Genera of Araceae", there you will find a complete
listing, many with pictures.

Hope this helps. Also, I am following this message with some information
regarding the International Aroid Society.
Dewey Fisk,
International Aroid Society

From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.04.08 at 14:52:12(590)
Araceae Subfamilies

Acorus Gymnostachys

Ambrosina Colletogyne
Lagenandra Taccarum
Arisaema Cryptocoryne Mangonia
Arisarum Dracunculus
Pinellia Typhonium
Arophyton Eminium Saromatum Ulearum
Filarum Spathantheum Zomicarpa
Asterostigma Gearum
Spathicarpa Zomicarpella
Biarum Gorgonidium Stylochaeton
Carlephyton Heliodiceros Synandrospadix


Alocasia Chlorospatha
Jasarum Steudnera
Aphyllarum Colocasia
Protarum Syngonium
Ariopsis Gonatanthus
Remusatia Xanthrosoma
Caladium Hapaline
Scaphispatha Xenophya

Amorphophallus Culcasia Montrichardia
Anaphyllopsis Cyrtosperma Nephthytis
Anaphyllum Dracontoides Orontium
Anchomanes Dracontium
Plesmonium Zamioculcas
Anthurium Gonatopus Podolasia
Callopsis Lasia Psudodracontium
Cercestis Lysichiton Psudohydrosme

Alloschemone Epipremnum
Monstera Scindapsus
Amydrium Heteropsis
Raphidophora Spathiphyllum
Anadendrum Holochlamys
Rhodospatha Stenospermation

Aglaodorum Bucephalandra Hottarum
Aglaonema Dieffenbachia
Philodendron Typhonodorum
Anubias Furtadoa
Peltandra Zantedeschia
Aridarum Heteroaridarum Piptospatha
Bognera Homalomena Phymatarum



Pothos Pedicellarum Pothidium

Ray Stilwell

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