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Arisaema Cold Period
From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.04.14 at 20:15:50(615)
We're Southern folk down here. For my wife, if it's under 75F, it's cold.
For Arisaema, a month of 40F will do fine. Note that's refrigerator
temperature and some Deep Southern folk are lifting the tubers for a 1
month frig. session. I doubt you'll need to do that in Frisco. It's
likely that 50F will do just as well, and that's a Frisco morning as I
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From: dmartin at cdmas.crc.fmlh.edu (Don Martinson) on 1997.04.14 at 22:29:32(616)
As we're talking about a cold period for arisaemas. I've a bit of a
problem. I was storing some first year A. dracontium tubers in my office
refrigerator, when the temperature control malfunctioned and the
temperature dipped to below freezing. I'm guessing it may have gotten down
to 25F or so - the tubers were hard to the touch. I thawed them out, but
although the tubers are now downright mushy, they are definitely a bit
softer to the touch.
Did I kill them? Had they been planted in the ground out doors here, they
certainly work have frozen, as our frost depth is generally a foot or so.
Don Martinson
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From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.04.15 at 13:49:25(618)
There's only one way to tell for sure.
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From: hallsa at sirius.com (Steve Hall) on 1997.04.15 at 15:41:22(620)
Thanks for the info.
>For Arisaema, a month of 40F will do fine. Note that's refrigerator
>temperature and some Deep Southern folk are lifting the tubers for a 1
>month frig. session. I doubt you'll need to do that in Frisco.
Sounds like my backyard would be a good place to grow some Arisaema.
Seeing how I have none at the moment, would anybody like to donate a tuber
or two to my experiment? Email me privately if you can kindly supply me,
otherwise, I will resort to the commercial suppliers.
>It's likely that 50F will do just as well, and that's a Frisco morning as I
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Your memory serves you correctly!
Steve Hall
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