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  non-aroid question Warszewiczia
From: "Craig Allen" callen at fairchildgarden.org> on 2001.11.06 at 21:02:16(7751)
Warszewiczia coccinea is the one most people grow.
Family: Rubiaceae
This species is an upright, tall, red flowering large shrub or small tree
found in Central to South America and the W. Indies.
It likes moisture and acid soils. It is very cold tender. The ones I saw in
the Rainforests of Costa Rica were very impressive. In the under story
situation they had grown to 30' and their brilliant red bracts could be seen
for long distances. It can be rooted by cuttings, but not easily.
Air-layering is probably the surest method of reproduction.

Craig M. Allen

From: mburack at mindspring.com on 2001.11.07 at 00:36:39(7756)
Thanks for the responses, but I left one part out of my question.... does anyone know any sources for this plant?

aroid-l@mobot.org wrote:
> Warszewiczia coccinea is the one most people grow.

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