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If you want to see chlorosis, click here..............
From: Jill Bell godjillab at home.com> on 2001.12.16 at 04:58:57(7922)
Hi all, thank you for helping me out. Scott suggested that I post some
images of the leaves that I took today on my website, so here they are:
this path is the only way you can access these images.
Thank everyone again for your helpfulness, so far I know I must buy some
form of magnesium and some lime as well.
But I may be missing other things. So, you may all see the horror of the
Jill Bell
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Illustration, Graphic Design, Web Design
From: Alektra at aol.com on 2001.12.16 at 22:13:08(7927)
Warning, I do not own any anthuriums.
But when I find chlorosis, in any plant no matter what species, I dose it
with Miracid a few times, and that seems to work well.
I also would consider sticking a common iron nail and a twenty-year-old penny
in the center of the pot, in case the plant wanted more iron or copper than
the Miracid provided.
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From: Regferns at aol.com on 2001.12.17 at 02:19:20(7929)
I have not been paying too close attention to these remedies, but, plain Epson salt is what I use in my soil for my Angiopteris (Giant Fern) when they are chlorotic. The Epson Salt provides magnesium--it has worked for me.
Reggie Whitehead
South Miami, FL
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