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  zamioculcas inquiry
From: tychen at ippfwhr.org on 1997.04.19 at 04:15:59(642)
dear aroiders,

1) how many species are there in the zamioculcas genus?

2) in its native habitat, does z. zamiifolia ever go dormant or is it

From: eduardo gomes goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.04.22 at 22:53:36(665)
Dear Tsuh

If nothing changed suddently, the genus Zamioculcas is monospecific
(i.e. Z. zamiifolia is the only species). It occurs in Zanzibar and
Eastern Africa, growing as an understory herb in the forests along the
shore . I've never seen this plant in the wild, but I'm almost sure that
it is seasonally dormant and the aerial portions do disappear during the dry

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