IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Awakening Tubers
From: stevenh at sirius.com (Steve H) on 1997.04.19 at 22:40:38(646)
Fellow aroiders,

My A. konjac and A. bulbifer tubers are beginning to show signs of
awakening from dormancy. At what point is it safe to plant these two tubers
back into soil?

Steve Hall

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.04.20 at 05:38:01(649)
As soon as the danger of cold is gone... in your area.
From: "NAME \"Wilbert Hetterscheid\"" <W.HETTER at pbga.agro.nl> on 1997.04.20 at 05:41:16(650)

Plant an Amorphophallus always when it shows signs of growth! Unless the
local conditions are bad, in which case you may postpone planting some
(say two to three weeks) but not much longer, or the tuber may start to
loose water and the shoot may not develop flawlessly.


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