IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

About Aroid-L
 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  IAS newsletter
From: "Dany Hervelle" bs246466 at skynet.be> on 1994.12.31 at 23:14:52(4)

No,the last receiving is 24/2

From: "Eduardo Goncalves" edggon at hotmail.com> on 2000.07.06 at 03:22:38(4986)
People from the IAS,

It is just to let you know that I finally received my copy of the last
newletter. The funny thing is that the first copy you sent (the same we
believed it was lost) arrived together with the second copy! Now I have two
copies of the same issue, that arrived in the same day! Well, those funny
things only happens in the Brazilian mail!
Anyhow, the Arisaema issue is terrific. Just keep the good work coming!

Best wishes,


From: Carol Ann Bonner cadastra at mindspring.com> on 2001.05.23 at 03:39:00(6538)
Hi, Ron,
Okay, I'm sending in my dues for IAS so I'll pretty soon know the answer
anyway, but here's the question: Does either the newsletter or Aroideana
carry ads, specifically exchange ads? I'm in charge of exchange ads for
AGGS (American Gloxinia and Gesneriad Society - but you knew that, didn't
you?) and I'd be interested in exchanging ads if you are.

Carol Ann

From: "Maurice & Henriette Hinterding" hinterding at dutch.nl> on 2002.08.17 at 12:57:25(9194)
yes I have,


Maurice Hinterding

From: "Jeff&jodi Rosenstiel" jjjj at winternet.com> on 2002.08.17 at 14:32:24(9195)
No 3rd news letter here, maybe today !
Jeff Rosenstiel
From: angel morales angel151 at earthlink.net> on 2002.08.17 at 16:36:03(9196)
No I haven't received the news letter. angel

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.08.17 at 16:39:31(9197)
It looks and works great so far, Alan, congrats and thanks to all of you who
made this possible!
No newsletter here as yet.


From: Krzysztof Kozminski kk at kozminski.com> on 2002.08.17 at 19:54:45(9200)
On Thursday, August 15, 2002, at 12:57 PM, Alan Galloway wrote:

As one of the Aroid-l listowners, I'm running a test and need to send a

From: "Ron Iles" roniles at eircom.net> on 2002.08.18 at 00:48:44(9201)
Thank you Krysz, you re-iterate what I suggested this in the June 2001 NL.
Then some Members wanted Hard Copy & some apparently were not on line
anyway. To download low resolution (!) Newsletters here takes the best
part of an hour. Our Irish lines give up on high resolution Newsletters.
Megabyte Newletters are impossible. Can one not compress so that complete
newsletters are quickly downloadable? OR as I originally suggested, could
there be single page news daily? Surely those could be quickly dowloaded
AND printed at high resolution. Then the restriction of 12 pages quarterly
for the only public "Members Only" DIALOGUE which I could not agree could be

At present we do not have a choice between electronic & paper copy. The
last Newsletters on line are those I edited in Autumn 2001. 2002 issues
are only available in snail mail copy in black & white. So - please when
will 2002 Newsletters be on line in a most easily downloadable form? Some
of us who prefer electronic copy can then waive the offer of snail-mailed
paper if we know the waiver procedure? As I suggested amongst many
things in 2002 is it not possible to make a weekly/daily IAS "News" Site, a
MEMBERS DIALOGUE, quickly dowloadable in short bursts? For instance
"Minutes", "Reports", "Accounts" "Articles" could be available TOPICALLY in
a day or so not months later. At the risk of censure why not call such an
evolved site "Proceedings of the International Aroid Society"?
Incidentally, I hear that the snail mail version I oft requested in colour
is now seemingly scheduled from the next issues on?

So when the first three 2002 Newsletters are on line, which Members do & do
not want Hard Copy? Please can a survey be done in Hard Copy Newsletter
2002 (4) to reach those who are not on line? Oh & amongst other logistic
suggestions, & since some of us have not been listed as Members since 2000
AD, on the Members "News" Site would it be a good idea to have a running
list of who is, was, will be & won't be? Please?

Finally, to avoid confusion here in Ireland I received NL 2002(2) thank you
but not yet 2002 (3).

Ron Iles

From: angel morales angel151 at earthlink.net> on 2002.08.18 at 01:18:39(9202)

What us digest form? Angel

From: "Ron Iles" roniles at eircom.net> on 2002.08.18 at 17:15:50(9208)
Thank you, Elizabeth

Sadly, using Adobe Acrobat as recommended on the IAS Site, with 56k modem &
state of the art PC, downloads of complete low resolution 2001 NLs are
inexorably slow, those of high resolution impossible.

So to all Aroiders, Members & Prospective.

Can "IAS Proceedings" be put in files of most easily accessed one page at a
time? Maybe then electronic "News" for World Members could be as often as
needed & available. As I said in June 2001 it might allow OPEN Dialogue
between ALL Members, not quarterly, not monthly, but even daily. One
page at a time within a planned folder structure would seem to be most easy
for the producers as well as consumers. Having a "production chain"
arduously to grind out & print dutifully", "THE" "News"letter, maximum
twelve page quarterly does not seem to be in keeping with the image of a
vibrantly communicating International Aroid Society.

Please could we have a snail mail referendum of those who want Hard Copy?
Please can some of us have day to day AND more historic "Proceedings of the
International Aroid Society" in most easily downloadable weekly/daily single
page files in colour on the IAS site. To me this would appear to increase
opportunity for sustained major dialogue & understanding the real & dynamic
needs of World Membership. Also, would it not transfer much of the heavy
work load from the willing shoulders of the few stalwarts, especially in
Florida & nearby who strive so hard & idealistically for the success of the
IAS & to keep it viable. As I suggested over a year ago in NL2001 (1) is
this the evolutionary road which IAS should take?

There is no SINGLE password protected Site for topical Reports, Dialogue &
Communication between ALL Members so that all proceedings involving &
between all Members are not "in camera" but fully open & democratic. Indeed
it might function as the "heart beat" of the Society keeping the body whole,
healthy, growing & most active.

I hope my breaking of "radio silence" on matters about which I felt VERY
strongly proves positive for the International Aroid Society.


From: "Leo A. Martin" leo1010 at attglobal.net> on 2002.08.18 at 18:15:21(9211)
I just joined the IAS after being on aroid-l for a while. In my spare time (!?) I take care of the Web page for our local cactus club (url in my signature block) and have given some thought to Web usablility, especially because I can't even get 56K from my modem. I wrote our pages by hand to download very fast. I usually surf the Web with image downloading turned off. Mostly I really care about the text and the rare picture, which I prefer to download on a case-by-case basis.

The purpose of a newsletter is to communicate information.

Nothing is more useful for this purpose than plain ASCII text. I don't mean Word documents, I mean plain ASCII text files (with file extension .TXT). Word unhelpfully does everything possible to trick people into converting plain text to Word format so others cannot read it unless they have the latest version of Word.

Design types think it's pretty to use fancy fonts, colors, etc... but this is unneccessary for communicating simple information, and it takes a very long time to download. We don't all read hobby material at the office during business hours nor do we all have T1 lines at home.

For that matter, Acrobat versions later than 3 do not conform to Adobe's own file specifications. Much of the world still runs version 3 on Windows 3.x and cannot upgrade to later versions of Acrobat because these later versions only run on later versions of Windows. These people get errors when trying to view PDF files in formats later than 3. I save our club newsletters in Acrobat version 3 when possible.

How about posting the newsletters as plain text? Download would be very quick. Plant specialists aren't induced to join by pretty layout but by useful information. I leave Web sites right away if they take forever to load. Photos could be on a separate page with the URL written in the text.

Ron Iles' idea of a text-based forum is a good one. One might envision an IAS Forum page. It might look something like this:

h tt p:/ /ww w.aro id.or g/forum.h t ml
(spaces inserted to prevent your E-mail program from thinking this a real URL)

IAS Forum
Communications, articles, brief notes
This is not a mail list; for growing questions and discussion go to
Copyright IAS

1 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 13 14
15 18


and so on. Each month would be a link to a page with the dates in that month. Each date would open in a separate window a text file with the traffic posted that day. This would not include the Aroid-L, but might include topical "Reports, Dialogue & Communication between ALL Members" as Mr Iles writes. Only days with items posted might be listed.

Members without Internet connections could receive in the mail printouts of text and photos on a regular basis.

This would require very much less time on the part of editors than the current system.

Also, I am amazed a large list like this has moderators who approve each message. That is a tremendous amount of work and at times might lead to long delays. Other lists seem to get by without pre-approved messages, on the theory that people can ignore what doesn't interest them, and spammers have privileges terminated quickly.


From: "Alan Galloway" alan_galloway at bellsouth.net> on 2002.08.18 at 18:43:10(9213)
> What us digest form? Angel


Digest form is an option that you can choose that tells the listserver
how 'often' you want your Aroid-l mail delivered to you.

By default, the listserver does not set this option when people subscribe
to Aroid-l. And it means that you will receive messages fairly soon after
the moderators approve them. And as of the last few days, the
moderators are approving on average about 15 messages per day.

If you did not want to get 15 separate emails per day, but preferred to
get a single message a day with all of that day's messages bundled
together, you would want to choose the daily-digest mode.

If you only wanted to get 1 message per week of all the Aroid-l messages
bundled togehter, you would choose the weekly-digest mode.

It is a personal preference for everyone -- For anyone trying to decide
if this is any option they would like, just ask yourself how many times
a day you want to hear that little person in your computer say, "You've
got mail"

From: angel morales angel151 at earthlink.net> on 2002.08.18 at 19:04:08(9215)
Thanks for the reply regarding list servers options. But, how do you then
make the changes to your mail options via the list server. Is it done by
contacting the list server of going to the site directly and clicking on
some kind of option button. Thanks....angel

From: Krzysztof Kozminski kk at kozminski.com> on 2002.08.19 at 03:52:03(9227)
On Sunday, August 18, 2002, at 10:15 AM, Ron Iles wrote:

Sadly, using Adobe Acrobat as recommended on the IAS Site, with
56k modem &

From: "Ron Iles" roniles at eircom.net> on 2002.08.20 at 02:23:25(9240)
Greetings Leo!

DISTANT ARIZONA.... If only Leos came in thousands....

You wrote...

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.08.21 at 23:17:44(9257)
My copy arrived today! Great job all!

Julius Boos,
WPB, Florida

From: BSuchy at t-online.de (Berthold Suchy) on 2002.09.02 at 05:28:20(9319)
-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Berthold Suchy [mailto:bsuchy@t-online.de]
Gesendet: Freitag, 30. August 2002 18:03
An: 'aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu'
From: "Jean -Paul FERRY" jpcferry2 at wanadoo.fr> on 1970.01.01 at 00:00:00(9320)

l have received Vol.24-3 today

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.