From: "Randall M. Story" story at> on 2002.05.16 at 23:42:03(8819)
Thinking some nasty, toxic chemical had spilled somewhere, some coworkers
called our Chemical Safety Department a few months ago after one of the
janitors ate a Durian,threw the remains in the trash and smelled up the
entire floor. Having tasted Durian a couple years prior, I knew the scent
was familiar, but was unable to convince others of this until we found the
evidence! (People did not react nearly so strongly to a recent
Sauromatum/Typhonium blooming) During my prior experience with this fruit,
we had put the "carcass" outside because the smell was unbearable. The next
morning it was covered with dozens of metallic green beetles.
Regarding smelly flowers, has anyone here ever mentioned the website for an
outfit called "Whole Energy Essences"
| +More |
They make an "Essence of Sauromatum" that they suggest you use by:
ingestion, applying to skin, adding to laundry or giving to your pets. They
also sell "Skunk Cabbage: A Deodorizer for the Mental Body".
Apparently pseudoscience sells!
>To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
>Subject: fruity? (was RE: Amorph odoratus.)
>Date: Thu, May 16, 2002, 3:04 PM
> i think the problem here is what is meant by fruity. do you mean fruity as
> in coconuts? peaches? or fruity as in durian?
> :-)
> In a message dated Thu, 16 May 2002 ?4:58:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>>Yes, yes, I know it is now dunnii, but old habits die slow.
>>As far as it being fruity... it isnt just me.. my little boy (5 years old)
> came outside this morning and I said to him.. "Adam, go and smell that
> 'flower'". (no I wasnt going to say to the 5 year old, go and smell the
> infloresence).
>>Upon smelling it, he said.."Ew daddy, why do you make me smell these
> disgusting plants". ?Now here is my point... if it smelled "fruity" we both
> wouldnt have reacted that way..
>>See... it wasnt just me :)!!!!!
> --
> tsuh yang in nyc