Cloud Jungle Art
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 12:59 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Subject: Growing were no one has grown before. :>)
I will try my best to describe the problems that I have to face. LOL
The temperature here in KY usually reach 0F to -10F with a few time going as
far as -20F Which would make a zone 6 in Celsius -23 to -18
Now having these types of temperatures few besides the fanatics like myself
actually grow many aroids.
Here is how I do it. The greenhouse use the double layer plastic with the
air space in between for insulation. I have a boiler type heater that we are
getting this year. This will run off of fire wood. We also have gas heaters
that kick on if I am to lazy to run out and put wood on the stove. The
harder I work the less my heating bill. the lazier I am the more I pay.
During the winter its best to for me anyway to get as much light as possible
so no shade cloth during the winter months.
For cooling off in the summer. All the greenhouse doors are opened and the
huge exhaust fan will kick on if the temperature goes over 85F. I also use
mister systems which are getting hooked up to timers as well as capillary
mats which I find very helpful in propagating many of my aroids and keeping
the humidity up. Two wet walls that I made with plants growing up it work
very well in keeping it cooler.
Not to mention most of this greenhouse is being turned into my personal
conservatory. Rock walls are being put in. We are using a sponge rock which
is very porous and light that will cover the 10ft tall walls. These wall
will help insulate as well as capture heat during the day and release it
during the night.
But many of my tropicals go in the ground manly Alocasia Colocasia
Xanthosoma bananas cannas and others.
As you can see growing all these aroids in KY is not easy or cheap. But I do
love doing it and I am sure I will be very happy once most the work is
finally completed. Hopefully this will help others.
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