Subject: RE: Snails and Slugs
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 21:21:42 -0500 (CDT)
Hi Harry,
Just a quick note from the slug capitol of the US. One part
ammonia to 3 parts water in a squirt bottle will kill small
slugs if you spray it on them. Test on a leaf first.
"Sluggo" and "Worry Free" are non toxic slug baits. You
just sprinkle the bait lightly around every two weeks. Both
baits kill slugs by interupting their feeding process. A
little goes a long way with this one.
The caffeine in coffee is supposed to kill slugs instantly,
but not coffee grounds as the caffeine has been leached out.
Spray it on the slug. Perhaps cheap ground coffee would
work as a deterrent mulch.
Dishes with beer will attract and collect all but the
teetotaling slugs (I have seen a slug avoid beer while
dozens of others oozed to their doom).
If you have the tiny dark slugs or the milky slugs that that
live right in the plant like in a Hosta then aim one of the
sprays right into the crown.
Just last week I found slug damage in some of the late
emerging Arisaema, boo. Had not had damage before this.
I don't recommend the toxic slug baits as residual poison
stays in the ground for several years after the bait
dissolves into the ground and it is bad for birds and other
wonderful critters.
Hope this helps!
Ann Hawes
Redmond, WA
There is one treatment that is missing--Diatomaceous Earth--Cheap but needs
to be applied often. Works great, Tricia
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