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Monstera question
From: Eric_L_._Schmidt/LEU/CYS/Orlando at priv.ci.orlando.fl.us on 2002.08.02 at 05:24:07(9169)
While Monstera deliciosa is being discussed, I have a question. Are there 2
forms of M. deliciosa with plain green leaves? Here at the Gardens there
are a lot of Monsteras climbing the old Live Oaks. Some have the huge
leaves and are slower growing while others have smaller leaves, about half
the size of the large ones but grow much faster. The Monsteras have been
fruiting the last several years and the squirrels eat them and distribute
the seeds. Most seeds that sprout are of the smaller type.
I asked this on here before but lost the replies that were sent.
Eric Schmidt
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Botanic Records
Harry P. Leu Gardens
1920 N. Forest Ave.
Orlando, FL. 32803 USA
ph. # (407)-246-3749
fax # (407)-246-2849
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