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From: The Thaumaturgist asitkghosh at yahoo.com> on 2002.08.19 at 03:39:31(9226)
Here are 6 photos from a tuber that was labeled in the store as
Eddoe. The photos show the transformation from the tuber to a small
I understand that the name ?Eddoe? is used only in the
English-speaking Caribbean Islands. Other names are also used there
sometimes interchangeably or correctly to mean other Aroids, adding
to the nomenclature confusion.

The English-speaking Caribbean also uses the following names other
than Eddoe,

Dasheen = Colocasia esculenta

Calaloo = Leaves of Colocasia esculenta

Tanier = Xanthosoma sagittifolia

Tannia = Xanthosaoma sagittifolia

1) Bought from the store, a close-up

2) Three different ones

3) Multiple sprouts from one, in a small pot

4) 3 distinct sprouts developing from one

5) A baby leaf after the rain

6) A mature Eddoe leaf

Asit K. Ghosh

From: "Clarence Hammer" chammer at cfl.rr.com> on 2002.08.19 at 08:33:03(9229)
So what is the botanical name of the Alocasia/Colocasia 'Eddoe'??? This
looks like the one I see in ditches here in central Fla that I've seen
referred to as 'Red Dot'.

Thanks for those great pictures.


From: The Thaumaturgist asitkghosh at yahoo.com> on 2002.08.19 at 14:39:56(9232)
Hi Clarence
Thanks for reminding me. I don't know how I forgot to mention the
very name of the subject that I wrote about.

I believe Eddoe is Colocasia esculenta "Antiquorum".

However the ones that you see in the ditches in Florida, sometimes
called "Swamp Taro" by locals, are NOT Eddoe. I only know that they
are another variety of Colocasia esculenta.


From: "Plantsman" plantsman at prodigy.net> on 2002.08.19 at 19:58:51(9234)
I've seen this 'red dot' variety identified as Colocasia esculenta
var. aquatilis. This same type grows for miles along the San Marcos
River, TX (between Austin & San Antonio), starting right below the
Aquarena Springs Lake dam in San Marcos. The constant 72?F water
from the giant springs ensures that it grows very well year 'round.
It doesn't produce a tuber and is very stoloniferous. I grew them
for several years here in Northeast TN, and a few escaped stolons
that were buried survived our cold winters. The pots that were put
in the basement for the winter subsequently died after being dry for
a couple of months (as did my C. 'Black Magic' ). I tried it
again with the next year and kept them moist. They also died.
Alas, with no greenhouse and an already crowded windowsill, it was
all that I could offer them. It seems that they don't want to go
dormant, period!

From: "Clarence Hammer" chammer at cfl.rr.com> on 2002.08.19 at 20:12:56(9235)
Thanks Asit. The one in ditches so prevalent here
in central Fla doesn't seem to be a huge grower, altho maybe 'ditch'
conditions and overcrowding
From: Plantnut3 at cs.com on 2002.08.19 at 23:42:40(9236)
Have you tried making plastic tent over your pots and the using soft light
and heat? Just an idea because it does work with some of the aroids. Ray

From: "Harry Witmore" harrywitmore at witmore.net> on 2002.08.19 at 23:44:51(9237)
That's interesting. I live in North Carolina and take up Black Magic and
Illustris and place them in a plastic bag and put the whole ting under the
house. I don't even look at them until spring. I've done this for years and
they always come back. I guess there's no rhyme nor reason to how to carry
them over.

I'm storing them in a greenhouse now and they seem to store a little better.

Harry Witmore

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.08.20 at 00:07:54(9238)
Dear Friends,

Colocasia esculenta, the 'dasheen-type' with one large oval or trunk-like
central rhizome/tuber (there are several varieties of this with different
colors/flavors/textures) known in literature as Colocasia esculenta
esculenta. The second is the 'eddoe-type' with many small oval
tubers/rhizomes produced from the central slim underground portion of the
rhizome (I know of two, maybe more kinds/types of this) which is refered to
in the literature as C. esculenta var. antiquorum or globiffera. The
third is the kind/type that produces MANY stolons but only small or no
tubers/rhizomes, it occurs in MANY forms of MANY leaf colors, and is used
gastronomically for its leaf production and is cooked/eaten as spinach-like
dishes and 'wraps'. Some have less 'itch' to the leaves than others. I
have read of many seeming 'made-up' names refering to or denoting its
stoloniferous condition, but am not certain if any have scientific standing.
A few years ago (2?) I collected and sent to someone on this list specimens
of two that commonly grow as weeds here in WPB, Florida, one grew on the S.
side of the Kravis Center for the arts and was TALL, about 5 ft., their new
construction has eliminated this stand. There is also a very large var.
sold by Excelsor gardens here in WPB, it gets to about 6' tall and has a
leaf blade w/ VERY heavy/tough texture, a VERY attractive plant for a large
Hope this is of interest.


From: "Clarence Hammer" chammer at cfl.rr.com> on 2002.08.20 at 08:09:31(9241)
Thanks for all the info folks on the 'Red Dot'.
I think I recall you relating this info some time ago
David, about the San Marcos river plants being
v. aquatilis. Thanks for reiterating that. I've made
notes this time.

Along with the prolific v. aquatilis here in central Fla, I occasionally see
a large leaved type amongst them. Will have to see if it's the same or
something different.


From: angel morales angel151 at earthlink.net> on 2002.08.20 at 17:56:02(9243)
Please send pics of Eddoe var, talked about in the last few emails. Would
love to learn about them. angel

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.08.20 at 23:10:28(9247)
Perhaps someone else can post pics. of these vars. of Colocasia esculenta, I
am not able to.


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