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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
Raleigh Extravaganza Photos
From: "Petra Schmidt" petra at plantdelights.com> on 2002.09.03 at 20:28:27(9329)
Harry Witmore put this site together for us and if you attended our IAS
Summer Extravaganza and want to relive the event, have a look...if you
didn't attend, well, you missed out...but have a look and then make your
plans for our next IAS event, the annual show and sale in Miami...Sept.
21-22...don't miss out on this next event: our 25th Anniversary of the IAS!
Be There!!
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From: "Jean -Paul FERRY" jpcferry2 at wanadoo.fr> on 1970.01.01 at 00:00:00(9336)
>Messsage du 03/09/2002 22:28
>De :
>A :
>Copie ? :
>Objet : [aroid-l] Raleigh Extravaganza Photos
> http://www.cloudjungle.com/raleighextravaganza
> Harry Witmore put this site together for us and if you attended our IAS
> Summer Extravaganza and want to relive the event, have a look...if you
> didn't attend, well, you missed out...but have a look and then make your
> plans for our next IAS event, the annual show and sale in Miami...Sept.
> 21-22...don't miss out on this next event: our 25th Anniversary of the IAS!
> Be There!!
> Petra
thanks for the beautiful photos.
Genevi?ve Ferry
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From: "Clarence Hammer" chammer at cfl.rr.com> on 2002.09.04 at 19:25:28(9337)
Thank you Petra and Harry. Beautiful photos,
beautiful plants and landscaping. Hard to believe
those particular plants can be grown in the ground
in that zone and location.
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